This tour is not private

 Season Late Dec-Early Mar
Time 7:00〜8:15
Min.Age 3yrs up
Price 1person 7000yen/per
2 or more people 4000yen/per

 ※Price includes snow shoes, snow boots
Pick up Available at the hotel of ski area and Furano downtown
Bring  □Winter cloths
 □Warm hat or knit cap  □Winter gloves
 □Winter boots or snowboard boots
 □Sunglasses or goggles
Others ○This program require booking at least 1 day in advance.
○The tour discontinuance is reported at bad weather.
○Please pay in cash

Please submit a booking form
Snow hiking To the To the primeval forest wonders of winter time
Snowshoeing with hot desert Winter down river
Shimanoshita Furano city Hokkaido 076-0036
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